For the final course of my MBA we participated in a head to head game of Marketplace 6 in 3 member groups. In my group one person did not participate so I did marketing, sales, human resources and manufacturing and we won! We not only won but we kicked butt! I cut and pasted the final results (which give us an A+ on 50% of our grade) below so that I can save them long after the game results are no longer open. The game took place over 6 quarters of a computer company start up. We ended up with 67% of the market!!
Balanced Scorecard IP (Infinite Possibilities)
Review your balanced scorecard for quarter 5. Your performance on the individual criteria should have improved.
Your balanced scorecard should be positive by now. If it is not, it may be that you have not generated enough sales to drive your costs down. You may have to consider revising and expanding your marketing program.
Check how well you performed relative to the industry. The industry scores represent your benchmark on how well you should be doing. Your firm should be above average in all areas measured. If not, try to find the weaknesses and correct them.
Industry results for quarter: 5
Minimum Maximum Ave. IP (me)
0.21 45.43 15.69 45.43
Financial Performance 20.11 85.86 42.67 85.86
Market Performance 0.13 0.54 0.30 0.54
Marketing Effectiveness 0.54 0.69 0.61 0.69
Investment in Future 1.55 4.83 2.69 1.70
Wealth 0.85 1.58 1.12 1.58
Human Resource Management 0.75 0.89 0.82 0.89
Asset Management 0.07 0.64 0.37 0.64
Financial Risk 0.79 0.95 0.89 0.94
Review the results of your company's performance during the previous quarter. This scorecard will be used to measure your firm's performance in comparison to the other firms participating in the exercise. The final evaluation will be based upon your performance during the last four (4) quarter of play.
First segment: Workhorse
Second segment: Traveler
Total Business Performance = 85.86 * 0.54 * 0.69 * 1.70 * 1.58 * 0.89 * 0.64 * 0.94 = 45.43
Financial Performance = 85.86
Market Performance = 0.54
Marketing Effectiveness = 0.69
Investment in Future = 1.70
Wealth = 1.58
Human Resource Management = 0.89
Asset Management = 0.64
Financial Risk = 0.94
If one of the performance measures is less than zero, then the total overall performance measure will be zero.
Total Business Performance.
The Total Business Performance indicator is a quantitative measure of the executive team’s ability to effectively manage the resources of the firm. It considers both the historical performance of the firm as well as how well the firm is positioned to compete in the future. As such, it measures the action potential of the firm.
The index employs what is called a balanced scorecard to measure the executive team’s performance. The most important measure is the team’s financial performance, and thus its ability to create wealth for the investors. However, the focus on current profits has caused many executives to stress the present at the expense of the future.
The long-term viability of the firm requires that the executive team be good at managing not only the firm’s profitability, but also its marketing activities, production operations, human resources, cash, and financial resources. The management team must also invest in the future. These expenses might depress the current financial performance, but are vital to creating new products, markets, and manufacturing capabilities.
In short, top managers must be good at managing all aspects of the firm. The balanced scorecard puts this perspective into practice. It focuses attention on multiple performance measures, and thus multiple decision areas. None can be ignored or downplayed. The best managers will be strong in all areas measured.
The Total Business Performance measure is computed by multiplying several indicators of business performance. This model underscores the importance of all measures. This is because any strength or weakness will have a multiple effect on the final outcome, the Action Potential of the Firm.
The following is a summary of the measure of the firm’s Total Business Performance and its key performance indicators. The computational details follow.
Financial Performance measures how well the executive team has been able to create profits for its shareholders. A positive number is always desired and the larger the better. It is computed in three steps. First, the net profit from operations is computed by taking the operating profit shown in the income statement and adding back investments in the future that are expensed in the current quarter. It measures how well the managers are able to create revenue from the current quarter’s marketing, sales and manufacturing activities.
Note that the income statement includes expenditures for R&D, new sales offices and quality control. However, this money is spent to create future business opportunities. Thus, these expenses are added back to the operating profit so that the financial performance measure is entirely focused on current quarter revenues and expenses.
Second, the total number of shares of stock is computed by adding all forms of equity investment. If an emergency loan has been taken out, shares of stock will automatically be issued to the loan shark and they become a permanent part of the equity financing.
Third, the net profit from current operations is divided by the number of shares of stock issued to determine the net profit from current operations per share of stock.
financial performance = net profit from current operations / total shares issued
= 8,473,844 / 98,698
= 85.86
net profit from current operations = operating profit + investments in firm's future = 7,038,945 + 1,434,899 = 8,473,844
operating profit: 7,038,945
investments in firm's future = 380,000 + 994,899 + 60,000 = 1,434,899
cost to open new sales offices and new web center: 380,000
R&D investment in new brand features: 994,899
R&D to create new brands: 60,000
total shares issued: 98,698
number of shares issued to executive team: 40,000
number of shares issued to venture capitalists: 40,000
number of shares issued to loan shark: 18,698
Market Performance is a measure of how well the managers are able to create demand in their primary and secondary segments. The firm’s market share in two target segments is used to measure this demand creation ability. The market share score is adjusted downwards if there were any stock outs. This penalty for stock outs is to underscore two points. First, unnecessary resources have been spent to generate more demand than can be satisfied. Second, ill will has been created by having potential customers become frustrated when they do not find the products that they have been persuaded to buy. The score ranges from 0 to 1.0 and will depend upon the number of competitors. If there are 3 firms, a good score would be greater than 0.5. If there are 8 teams, a good score would be greater than 0.35.
market performance = average market share in targeted segments/100 * percent of demand actually served/100
= (53/100) * (100/100)
= 0.54
average market share in target segments = (55 + 52)/2 = 53
market share in first segment: 55
market share in second segment: 52
percent of demand actually served = ((6,491 - 0) / 6,491) * 100 = 100
total net demand after ill will: 6,491
number of stock outs: 0
Marketing Effectiveness is a measure of how well the managers have been able to satisfy the needs of the customers as measured by the quality of their brands and ads. Customer perceptions of the firm’s brands and ads in its primary and secondary segments are used to measure customer satisfaction. The two scores are then averaged to obtain the indicator for marketing effectiveness. The score ranges from 0 to 1.0. A good score would be greater than 0.8
marketing effectiveness = [average brand judgment/100 + average ad judgment/100]/2
= [69/100 + 70/100]/2
= 0.69
average of best brand judgments in target segments = (65 + 73)/2 = 69
highest brand judgment in first segment: 65
highest brand judgment in second segment: 73
average of best ad judgments in target segments = (76 + 63)/2 = 70
highest ad judgment in first segment: 76
highest ad judgment in second segment: 63
Investments in the Firm's Future reflect the willingness of the executive team to spend current revenues on future business opportunities. They are necessary but risky. In the short-term, these expenditures can cause large negative profits on the income statement. As a result, the retained earnings may become highly negative, thus indicating that a substantial portion of the stockholder's investment has disappeared into the operations of the firm. In the long-term, these investments are absolutely necessary if the firm is to be competitive. Thus, there is a need to balance the loss of stockholder's equity against investments which could create even greater returns for the investors in the future. The score is always greater or equal to 1.0 and a good score would be greater than 3.0.
investments in the firm's future = (current expenditures that benefit firms future / net revenues) * 10 + 1
= (1,434,899 / 20,457,733) * 10 + 1
= 1.70
current expenses that benefit firm's future = 380,000 + 994,899 + 60,000 + 0 = 1,434,899
cost to open new sales offices and new web regional centers: 380,000
R&D investment in new brand features: 994,899
R&D to create new brands: 60,000
R&D licenses: 0
net revenue = 22,603,309 - 2,145,576 + 0 = 20,457,733
sales revenue: 22,603,309
rebates: 2,145,576
interest income: 0
Creation of Wealth is a measure of how well the executive team has been able to add wealth to the initial investments of the stockholders. During the start-up phase of the company, it is expected that expenses will greatly exceed revenues leading to large losses and retained earnings figures that are largely negative.
To compute the creation of wealth measure, the net equity of the firm is first computed by adding the retained earnings to the total of the investments from all of the stockholders. The retained earnings figure is the sum of all profits from the inception of the firm. As noted above, the retained earnings will be negative in the early quarters as the firm invests money to startup and grow the business.
Next, the net equity is divided by the total of all equity investments to obtain a ratio of wealth creation. A value of zero or less indicates bankruptcy. A value greater than zero and less than one indicates the executive team is relying upon the initial stockholder's investments to pay day-to-day expenses plus invest in the future. A value greater than one indicates the firm is adding wealth to the stockholders.
creation of wealth = net equity/total stockholders equity
= 12,616,490 / 8,000,000
= 1.58
net equity = 4,616,490 + 8,000,000 + 0 = 12,616,490
retained earnings: 4,616,490
common stock: 8,000,000
dividends paid to date: 0
total stockholders investment = common stock = 8,000,000
Human Resource Management is a measure of how well the executive team is able to recruit the best employees, satisfy their needs and motivate them to excel. Sales force productivity and factory worker productivity are averaged together to obtain a single score. High performance is only possible if the firm's compensation packages is competitive and in tune with what is important to employees over time. The scores range from zero to 1.00 and a good score would be greater than 0.80.
human resource management = (sales force productivity/100 + factory worker productivity/100) / 2
= (83/100 + 95/100) / 2
= 0.89
sales force productivity: 83
factory worker productivity: 95
Asset Management is a measure of the executive team’s ability to use the firm’s assets to create sales revenue. The first step in measuring asset management is to compute the asset turnover of the firm. Effective managers are able to use the assets to create sales which are two or three times the value of the assets. Thus, a very good score would be 3.0
In addition to asset turnover, ending inventories are also measured and included. To avoid stock outs, and their associated penalties, managers might be inclined to build excessive inventory. To discourage large ending inventories, there is a penalty for producing more inventory than is needed to meet demand. The penalty increases as the proportion of ending inventory to production increases.
asset management = asset turnover * penalty for excess inventory
= 1.42 * 0.45
= 0.64
asset turnover = net revenue/total assets = 20,457,733 / 14,424,183 = 1.42
net revenue = 22,603,309 - 2,145,576 + 0 = 20,457,733
sales revenue: 22,603,309
rebates: 2,145,576
interest income: 0
total assets: 14,424,183
penalty for excess inventory = (1-ending inventory/production) = (1 - 5,895 / 10,770) = 0.45
ending inventory: 5,895
production: 10,770
Financial Risk measures the executive team's ability to manage debt as a financial resource. The financial risk indicator is based upon the degree to which debt is part of the capital of the firm. As debt increases relative to the total capital, then the financial risk associated with the company increases. Conversely, as the proportion of equity in the total capital increases, then the perceived financial risk in the firm decreases.
To compute financial risk, the proportion of equity is obtained by computing the amount of equity in the firm and dividing it by the amount of capital invested in the firm from all sources. Specifically, the amount of equity is equal to the sum of common stock plus retained earnings. The amount of capital is equal to the sum of debt plus common stock plus retained earnings. As the ratio of equity to capital decreases (meaning more debt), then financial risk increases.
A value of 1.00 would indicate there is no debt and, therefore, no perceived financial risk.
It is important to realize that financial managers do not want to totally discourage debt. The optimum capital structure will vary by firm depending on its tax situation, overall risk, asset base, and financial slack. Some debt may be desirable in order to help the firm take advantage of value enhancing business opportunities (i.e., opportunities that earn more than the company's weighted average cost of capital).
In order to mitigate or downplay the effect of low amounts of debt in the capital structure, the value for the share of equity in the company is raised to a power of 0.5 (square root). Thus, if debt represented 20% of the capital structure, then the Financial risk indicator would be 0.89 (0.80 ** 0.5). If debt were 50% of the capital structure, the Financial Risk indicator would be 70.
A Financial Risk indicator below 0.80 (more than 36% debt) would be considered unfavorable.
financial risk = (total equity / total capital)0.5
= (12,616,490/14,424,183)0.5
= 0.94
total equity = common stock + retained earnings = 8,000,000 + 4,616,490 = 12,616,490
total capital = debt + common stock + retained earnings = 1,807,693 + 8,000,000 + 4,616,490 = 14,424,183
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My traveler brand is BOOMING but I cant seem to get the WorkHorse Segment, What can i dooo, we are with 4/5 teams in that segment.
DeleteDo you need finance to start up your own business or expand your business, Do you need funds to pay off your debt? We give out loan to interested individuals and company's who are seeking loan with good faith. Are you seriously in need of an urgent loan contact us.
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DeleteDo you need finance to start up your own business or expand your business, Do you need funds to pay off your debt? We give out loan to interested individuals and company's who are seeking loan with good faith. Are you seriously in need of an urgent loan contact us.
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DeleteDo you need finance to start up your own business or expand your business, Do you need funds to pay off your debt? We give out loan to interested individuals and company's who are seeking loan with good faith. Are you seriously in need of an urgent loan contact us.
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Hi Samet, If traveller is booming you have constructed a computer that meets all of the needs of that market. You need to closely review the customer wants for the other markets - I suggest workhorse. Price it right (use your market research to figure that out- both price and features). Stay within the price that they are willing to pay and give them a good value for their money. Hope this helps, Deb
ReplyDeletewe are in quarter 5 with only two products and two offices and a negative balance, how can we fix that
ReplyDeletelolololol at the real loan offer ^
DeleteHave you ever found a place that shows what the best cumulative balance score card values are? Our team won and we wonder how we rate. After 9 quarters, we ended up with a overall BSC score of 3495. Any idea where that ranks?
ReplyDeleteChris - curious if you found a place that ranks the overall BSC numbers. We ended with a 1412 and I was looking for the same information.
ReplyDeleteBrand judgment: 72
Base Components
Office software-word,spreadsheets
Multimedia accessories for office
Standard desktop design
15" monitor for desktop
High performance computing power
Standard keyboard
Standard network/Internet connection
Brand judgment: 80
Base Components
Office software-word,spreadsheets
Multimedia accessories for office
Standard desktop design
17" monitor for desktop
Standard computing power
High comfort keyboard with wrist rest
Standard network/Internet connection
Ad Copy Judgment: 83
Mention Brand Name 1
Rebate - special price deal 2
Easy to use 5
Easy on eyes with larger screen 6
Local service and support 3
Picture of business professionals 4
Ad Copy Judgment: 88
Mention Brand Name 2
Rebate - special price deal 1
Easy on eyes with larger screen 4
More productive-comfort keyboard 5
Local service and support 3
Picture of business professionals 6
Brand judgment: 70
Base Components
Office software-word,spreadsheets
Scientific/engineering software
Multimedia accessories-science/engineering
Standard desktop design
17" monitor for desktop
High performance computing power
Expanded keyboard with hot keys
Standard network/Internet connection
Brand judgment: 99
Base Components
Office software-word,spreadsheets - new release
Scientific/engineering software
Multimedia accessories-science/engineering
Stylish desktop design
19" high resolution monitor for desktop
Ultra fast/powerful computing
High comfort keyboard with wrist rest
High speed network/Internet connection
Ad Copy Judgment: 78
Mention Brand Name 2
Rebate - special price deal 5
Feature engineering applications 4
Most powerful processor on market 1
Link computers w network/internet 7
Local service and support 6
Picture of engineers/scientists 3
Ad Copy Judgment: 84
Mention Brand Name 1
Rebate - special price deal 3
Feature engineering applications 6
Most powerful processor on market 2
Link computers w super fast line 4
New stylish design 5
Picture of engineers/scientists 7
Brand judgment: 67
Base Components
Office software-word,spreadsheets
Multimedia accessories for travel
Slim, rugged, portable design
10" monitor for portable
High performance computing power
Standard keyboard
Brand judgment: 95
Base Components
Office software-word,spreadsheets - new release
Multimedia accessories for travel
Ultra slim,stylish,rugged,portable
12" monitor for portable
High performance computing power
Standard keyboard
High speed network/Internet connection
Ad Copy Judgment: 82
Mention Brand Name 2
Rebate - special price deal 1
Feature office applications 6
Easy to use 3
Slim rugged design 4
Local service and support 5
Picture of business travelers 7
Ad Copy Judgment: 93
Mention Brand Name 1
Rebate - special price deal 2
Feature office applications 5
Easy to use 3
Link computers w super fast line 4
Ultra slim rugged design 6
Hi Kelly Ayo, interesting figures and certainly useful , but how does this reflect to the customer needs and use pattern for each segment. Would you able to share this piece information?
DeleteIF anyone has any information about how to rid of loan sharks in MPL I would be so grateful! my email is
Deletehi we are in the 4th place out 6 in the first quarter..what can we do different to move to the top apart from copying the winning team? Is there any hope? how many brands should we have in the 4th quarter?
ReplyDeleteWe cover a complete variety of IT Consulting Services, be it web design and development, offshore software development solutions, internet marketing and web designing,
ReplyDeleteHi I am in desperate need of help! We are going into quarter 6 of MPL and our dominating in performance apart from our debt with a loan shark. On our income statement it shows we paid this off last quarter but then this quarter it showed up again in an even higher amount! I have put in so much time in this game as I am sure anyone who has played this can relate.. please if ANY ONE has ANY information at all on how to get rid of this loan shark (i know he will continue to own shares). Our last quarter is due this sunday (oct2, 2015)
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We want to start this game and can you please advice me where and how to start? I am interested to start workhorse and Mercedes with office location in Paris
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In human resource how much you paid the sales people and factory workers in. Q2 ?
ReplyDeleteIn human resource how much you paid the sales people and factory workers in. Q2 ?
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Hello Everybody,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.
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ReplyDeletecan u maybe contact me and help me?
i will show myself very grateful.
lots of greets,
ReplyDeleteI am writing this Testimony because am really grateful for what Mr. Hussein Mohammed did for me and my family when I thought there was no hope he came and make my family feel alive again by lending us loan at a very low interest rate of 3%, well I have been searching for a loan to settle my debts and bills for the past months all I met scammed and took my money total 6,500usd until I finally met a God sent Lender. I never thought that there are still genuine lenders on the internet but to my greatest surprise i got my loan form this great company without wasting much time, so if you are out there looking for a loan of any kind for business or other purposes i would advise you to email Mr. Hussein Mohammed via: ( ) OR text: +18168926900 and be free of internet scams. thanks… Jenny Hills Alcott Resident: Los Angeles California, United State
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ReplyDeleteTestimony!!! Testimony!!! Testimony!!! Testimony!!! Testimony!!! Testimony!!! Testimony!!! Testimony!!!
ReplyDeleteHey, guys! I'm so glad I got my Mike Fisher's. My blank ATM card can withdraw $ 2,000 a day. I understood from last week and now I have $ 14,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM and there is no name, it is not traceable and now I have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live. I'm really happy to meet Mike Fisher because I met two people before her and they took my money without knowing they were scams. But I'm happy now. Mike Fisher sent the card through DHL and I understood it in two days. Get her own card now, she's not like another scammer pretending to have the ATM card, She's giving it away for free to help people, even if it's illegal, but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. I'm grateful to Mike Fisher because she changed my story all of a sudden. The card works in all countries, except in Mali and Nigeria. Mike Fisher's email address is
We are muslim Organization formed to help people in needs of helps,such as financial help. So if you are going through financial difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business, or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks,contact us today via email ( So do not let these opportunity pass you by because Allah is the same yesterday, today and forever more. Please these is for serious minded and Allah fearing People.
1) Full Name:.....
2) Gender:........
3) Loan Amount Needed :...
4) Loan Duration:...............
5) Country:.......
6) Home Address:..
7) Mobile Number:.....
8) Occupation:....
9) Monthly Income:......
10) Salary Date:....
11) Purpose of loan;...
Awaiting your swift response.
May Allah bless you.
Leverage Pvt Ltd.
Associate Director
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David benjamin ATM company is indeed a wonderful place to be. For the past 6 months i have been paying money to several companies just to get me a loaded card and all have scammed me of my money without any delivery. I was told by a friend who got her card in less than 4 days of her applying to contact and lo and behold i was told to make a delivery payment and part payment for the card balance when i receive the card and must have tested it. Am proud to announce to any one in need of a genuine hacker who is tired of loosing money to rippers to contact : and get you card without any story telling.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAre you in need of an urgent loans? We offer loan of all kinds to prospective individuals,
company, corporate bodies as well as organizations, Are you in need of loans that are
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ReplyDeleteAre You seeking for an urgent Christmas loan? Have you be denied of a loan from your bank or any Financial Firm? Do you need financial assistance Do you need a loan to pay off your bills or buy a home, or Consolidate your debt and be debt free? Do you want to have a Business of your own and you need Financial Loan Help? Contact us for your fast reliable loan at a low interest rate of 3%. We are willing to help you out on either Business or Personal Loans, affordable repayment plan with good credit record. we Offer loan at affordable interest rate. if so contact Mr. Rojas Silva for more information ...Contact Email:
I got my programmed and blanked ATM card to
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I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $150,000. Wesley mark Hackers is giving
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good day, my name is torres i am a citizen of the united state of america i want to testify of the good loan lender who showed light to me after been scammed by 4 different internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay alot of fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 8,000usd. one day as i was browsing through the internet looking forsterated when i came across a testimony man who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Jasmin Noor loan company ( where he finally got his loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 4 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. i explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them, so if there is anyone who need a loan should email them
ReplyDeleteA MUST READ :Me and my family has been in poverty for about five years now and my husband have left us six years ago and he was very rich he was with another woman who do not even have a child for him and abandon me with my 4 children so one day my son said that his friend saw a post of one woman saying that he can help someone get a loan then my son use his friend's phone to email the woman then he cheated with her so the woman said that he will help us I said he was joking so he told us what to do then we did it 4 days later i got a loanand me and my family were living very fine then three days ago my husband came home on his knees he was pleading but now we are now back together again so am telling you now if you need a loan etc email her now on,
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ReplyDeleteWe are direct Loan Firm and Into 100%International Project Financing,we are giving any kind of Loan 3%,we are Informing Loan Brokers and International Projects to Finance,WORRY NO MORE KINDLY CONTACT US FOR MORE INQUIRY VIA FOLLOWING EMAIL:(KATHERINEFINANCIALLOAN@GMAIL.COM)
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ReplyDeleteI just want to share my experience with you. I was in great debt being I lost most of my assets due to the fire incidence which occurred in my workshop 2months into this year and I could barely meet my needs. I was almost to about 9months out in debt. I couldn't pay my bills until I saw a comment about someone talking about how he got western union MTCN of $20,000.
I visited the email he provided and talked with them and then placed an order for $5000 after thinking about it for 2days for trial and paid the fee they requested, and to my greatest surprise, I got the MTCN and picked it up successfully. When I saw that it really worked, I then went ahead to place another order for $20000 and I got it as well.
My financial struggles has been over,I was able to pay my debt and I have been able to provide for my family and live a comfortable life. For more information if interested, email them at;
Are you looking for a loan to clear off your debt and start up your own Business? have you being going all over yet not able to get a legit loan Company that will loan you? Here is your final solution(WITHOUT UPFRONT FEE), We can give you any amount you need at 3% provided you are going to pay back within the period of time given without any problem.Apply now and contact us for more details via email below. Email:
ReplyDeleteWe are direct Loan Firm and Into 100%International Project Financing,we are giving any kind of Loan 3%,we are Informing Loan Brokers and International Projects to Finance,WORRY NO MORE KINDLY CONTACT US FOR MORE INQUIRY VIA FOLLOWING EMAIL:(KATHERINEFINANCIALLOAN@GMAIL.COM)
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Hello Everybody,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.
Thanks for sharing informative article with us... nice post...
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I will recommend anyone looking for Business loan to Le_Meridian they helped me with Four Million USD loan to startup my Quilting business and it's was fast When obtaining a loan from them it was surprising at how easy they were to work with. They can finance up to the amount of $900,000,000.000 (Nine Hundred Million Dollars) in any region of the world as long as there 1.9% ROI can be guaranteed on the projects.The process was fast and secure. It was definitely a positive experience.Avoid scammers on here and contact Le_Meridian Funding Service On. if you looking for business loan,Thanks.
I will recommend anyone looking for Business loan to Le_Meridian they helped me with Four Million USD loan to startup my Quilting business and it's was fast When obtaining a loan from them it was surprising at how easy they were to work with. They can finance up to the amount of $900,000,000.000 (Nine Hundred Million Dollars) in any region of the world as long as there 1.9% ROI can be guaranteed on the projects.The process was fast and secure. It was definitely a positive experience.Avoid scammers on here and contact Le_Meridian Funding Service On. if you looking for business loan,Thanks.
Nice post ever...
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How I got My Loan From A God sent And Genuine Loan Lender…
ReplyDeletewhat a great place for you to apply for a loan I’m here as the happiest woman in the whole wide world because of what God has done for me through the help of a God sent and genuine loan lender his servant. I told myself to talk about the good deeds of any lender that will rescue my family from our poor & hopeless situation, i will and must tell his name to the whole world, I am so happy to say that my family is back for good because i was granted a loan of $10,000 USD to start my life all over again as i am a single mum with kids and the whole world seems it was all hanging on me cause we had no one to run to for help. Not until i met a God sent loan lender that changed my life and that of my family, a GOD fearing man, a lender, the director of the company Houston loan firm, he was the Savior God sent to rescue my family. At first i thought it wasn’t going to be possible until i received my loan amount of $10,000 USD on the 2nd/June/2018. All thanks to him and to GOD for leading me into meeting him. My advise to anyone out there in genuine need of a loan is to Divine through official email:- because he is an understanding and kind hearten lender.
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I am writing this Testimony because am really grateful for what Mr Houston did for me and my family, when I thought there was no hope he came and make my family feel alive again by lending us loan at a very low interest rate of 3%. Well I have been searching for a loan to settle my debts for the past three months all I met scammed and took my money until I finally met a God sent Lender. I never thought that there are still genuine loan lenders on the internet but to my greatest surprise i got my loan without wasting much time so if you are out there looking for a loan of any amount i would advise you to contact Mr Houston via email Once again thank you Mr Houston am really grateful
ReplyDeleteLooking for a debt consolidation loan, unsecured loans, business loans, mortgage loans, car loans, student loans, personal loans, venture capital, etc! I am a private lender, I provide loans to companies and individuals with low interest rates and reasonable interest rates of 2%. Email to: or text us via whatsapp +19782277925
Hello Everyone out there! I'm Alexanda hook, from Usa I am using this medium to announce to the general public on how Houston Loan Firm Company restored happiness to my home again, through the help of Mr Houston, When all hope was lost they granted me a loan sum of $50,000 on the 7th of February 2019 to settle my debts and start up a business of my own. They saved me and my family from loosing our home as we were not able to pay tax bills. I am writing this message cause I feel it might be important for you out there seriously in need of a genuine loan in other for you not to fall into the wrong hands in search of a liable loan,I strongly advice you to contact this company via email:
ReplyDeleteHello Everyone out there! I'm Alexanda hook, from Usa I am using this medium to announce to the general public on how Houston Loan Firm Company restored happiness to my home again, through the help of Mr Houston, When all hope was lost they granted me a loan sum of $50,000 on the 7th of February 2019 to settle my debts and start up a business of my own. They saved me and my family from loosing our home as we were not able to pay tax bills. I am writing this message cause I feel it might be important for you out there seriously in need of a genuine loan in other for you not to fall into the wrong hands in search of a liable loan,I strongly advice you to contact this company via email:
ReplyDeleteThe Le_Meridian Funding Service went above and beyond their requirements to assist me with my loan which i used expand my pharmacy business,They were friendly, professional, and absolute gems to work with.I will recommend anyone looking for loan to contact. Or
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My name is Mrs Aisha Usman, am a Citizen Of Singapore. Have you been looking for a loan? Do you need an urgent personal loan or business loan?contact Dr. Mark Thomas FOIRM Ronnie Finance Ltd he help me with a loan of $85,000 some days ago after been scammed of $8,000 from a woman claiming to been a loan lender but i thank God today that i got my loan worth $85,000.Feel free to contact the company for a genuine financial service. Email:
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Dr. Mark Thomas
Loan Amount:……
Loan duration…
Monthly income…………
Marital Status……………
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ReplyDeleteI want to testify about OSCAR WHITE blank ATM cards which can withdraw money from any ATM machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no hope then I saw so many testimony about how OSCAR WHITE send them the blank ATM card and i use it to collect money in any ATM machine and become rich. I also email him and he sent me the blank card. I have use it to get $100,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily.OSCAR WHITE is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email Him on how to get it now via: or whats-app +1(323)-362-2310
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I now own a business of my own with the help of Elegantloanfirm with a loan of $900,000.00 USD. at 2% rate charges, at first i taught with was all a joke until my loan request was process under five working days and my requested funds was transfer to me. am now a proud owner of a large business with 15 staffs working under me. All thanks to the loan officer Russ Harry he is a God sent, you can contact them to improve your business on.. email-- / Whatsapp number +393511617486
ReplyDeleteNice article
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I am a private money lender and Investor, Do you need a legit, honest, reputable and quick loan? I can help you with 100% guarantee loan, I am offering business and individual loan, More also we finance all kind of projects. Waiting to hear from you to enable us send you the loan application form or for more details contact
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ReplyDeleteI am Mrs,Leores J Miguel by name, I live in United State Of America, who have been a scam victim to so many fake lenders online between November last year till July this year but i thank my creator so much that he has finally smiled on me by directing me to this new lender who put a smile on my face this year 2020 and he did not scam me and also by not deceiving or lying to me and my friends but however this lending firm is BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE ( gave me 2% loan which amount is $900,000.00 united states dollars after my agreement to their company terms and conditions and one significant thing i love about this loan company is that they are fast and unique. {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen} can also help you with a legit loan offer. He Has also helped some other colleagues of mine. If you need a genuine loan without cost/stress he his the right loan lender to wipe away your financial problems and crisis today. BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly via Call/Text: +1(415)630-7138 Email:
When it comes to financial crisis and loan then BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Leores Miguel direct you Good Luck....
Are you in NEED of a Quick Personal or Business Loan in this era of the Covid-19 pandemic? Guaranteed no repayments for the first 8 months, high approval decisions and a very low-interest rate fixed at 2% per annum. There are NO Credit Checks required. You can apply from any country in the world. Serious inquiries only! Contact us today via email at: ( to discuss your scenario and to learn more details about our transaction procedure, terms and conditions.
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Marketing Manager
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HOW I GO MY DESIRED LOAN AMOUNT FROM A RELIABLE AND TRUSTED LOAN COMPANY LAST WEEK. Email for immediate response: Call/Text: +1(415)630-7138 Whatsapp +19292227023
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, My name is Mr.Justin Riley Johnson, I am from Texas, United State, am here to testify of how i got my loan from BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE( after i applied Two times from various loan lenders who claimed to be lenders right here this forum,i thought their lending where real and i applied but they never gave me loan until a friend of mine introduce me to {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen} the C.E.O of BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE who promised to help me with a loan of my desire and he really did as he promised without any form of delay, I never thought there are still reliable loan lenders until i met {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen}, who really helped me with my loan and changed my life for the better. I don't know if you are in need of an urgent loan also, So feel free to contact Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen on his email address: BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly via Whatsapp +19292227023 Email: and consider all your financial problems tackled and solved. Share this to help a soul right now, Thanks
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HELLO, her name is Rebecca Michaelson, who lives in Europe. Here is some good news for those who are interested. Today you can earn money without the stress contact (THOMAS FREDDIE) in exchange for an empty [ATM CARD] and be one of the lucky ones to benefit from these cards. This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of infiltrating any ATM machine anywhere in the world. I got my motherboard from a good Hacker on the internet, with this ATM Card I can collect 5000 dollars every day through contacts:
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Emergency Cash Loans Hello Everybody, My name is Mrs. Phyllis Sue South. I live in UK London and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $350,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 2 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $350,000.00 U.S. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs. Phyllis Sue South that refer you to him. contact Dr. James Eric via email: Whats-App +918929509036
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